Calvada HOA Meeting & New Board Election - Saturday, April 30 @ 10am
Ballots have been mailed out and must be returned before the meeting on April 30th. If you would like to add an item to the next agenda, please email your request to Info@CalvadaMeadows.com
EAA Meetings & Events - 9am Saturdays
EAA Meetings are hosted by Charlie & Glenna at their hangar home on Interceptor and Helicopter. Meetings currently on "Hold" due to Covid-19 Restrictions
Chapter 1160 EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association)
President: Glenna Wagner Phone: 775-537-1097
Email: gjwcaw65@gmail.com
Young Eagles Event (Free Demonstation Flights) - October 2022 (TBD)
Always the 2nd Saturday in October @ 9:00am to Noon
(Free Demo flights for kids 8-17 years old)
Sponsored by EAA Pahrump Chapter, check back for more information soon.
Chapter: EAA 1160 President: Glenna Wagner Phone: 775-537-1097
Email: gjwcaw65@gmail.com